Home 2020
- by Alex

Some recent clients include:
Hi I'm Alex, a freelance Brand Consultant in Cheshire
Put simply, I build brands that work.
Your branding is everything, quite literally. In a world where everything is becoming a commodity, and customers can quickly find the lowest price for everything, your brand is the difference between existing, or becoming one of the many to disappear from the world.
Branding isn't just for consumer brands
With automation and technology often removing the personal relationship side of B2B marketing and business development, branding is becoming even more pertinent. I specialise in helping B2B brands use branding as a means to take their business to the next level.
I'm not just another agency consultant
I have a degree in design but have had a career in marketing & business. Not only have I worked as an employee I've also run (and continue to run) several successful B2B companies. It's this that gives me an unprecedented understanding of how to build branding that works for your business, as opposed to just being another slick campaign that doesn't deliver the results you need.

Other really awesome extras!
Specialist in B2B & high growth startups
After years of working in and building B2B businesses from the ground floor this is where I shine.
Brand value
Let me build your brand so you can afford non-monetary pricing, ultimately increasing your bottom line.
Helping you find your purpose
Positioning is dead. Purpose is the currency, let me help tell your story, creating a brand experience that engages and excites your customers.
Evolve or die - I'm able to ensure you keep evolving as the world changes, so you're able to stay ahead.
My work over the years has seen me featured in some of the following publications: